No, I am not talking about browser fingerprinting (If you were a good student, you know how to evade that by now)
I am talking about this mf:
If you are a wagie (we all were at some point), you may have used this to enter your office.
And if you are an Indian, your fingerprint has been bought on the dark web (sorry about that)
So this begs the question, what anon strat we must follow to protect ourselves from such attach vector?
Fingerprints are formed in the womb and do not change with time (the size changes, not pattern) but if you are exposed to rough environment/work conditions, it may be slightly altered temporarily.
Wear an Alias Print
You can easily make a fingerprint mold these days. But there has been quite a development in regards to it’s detection.
But we are white hat anons so we will only use generated fingerprints.
Directly download from this link - so that you don’t have to put temp mail on the “get the demo” application page, I did that for you.
Use it in a windows sandbox downloaded through a VPN.
Based on a variety of settings, this can generate prints like these: (I will launch this, if you won’t)
Attack Vectors
Rubber cement or Silicon Gel
Gelatin (aka Gummi finger)
Cadaver finger
Printed Circuit Board (getting your print from the Scanner hardware)
Software-based Attacks (getting your print from the software running the scanner)
Evading the Scanner itself
Dictionary Attacks via DeepMasterPrints
Burn it, Burn it all
Little scratches won’t change the structure but if the injury is deep enough it can damage the dermis, epidermis and the in-between layers to cause a change.
Go, give a read to this wiki section.
Print from Pic
If you don’t know, we can get the fingerprint of someone from their photograph since atleast 2014.
Do what you can to protect yourselves against this:
Hand Transplant
The sure-shot way is to do a hand transplant, but I don’t recommend it for obvious reasons.