I have been in this space since crypto was a short hand for cryptography not shitcoins.
Cryptography is a mathematical wizardry by which you can keep your digital memories safe from prying eyes, share secrets across different channels without meeting in the first place, give proof of something you have without revealing what that thing is, be a witness of the proof & even apparently beat quantum computers.
You think VPN's protect you? well kinda, base layers of the internet is encrypted by default by something called TLS, so thank god cryptographers for that. VPN protect you from the malicious upper layers, at least when you choose a good provider.
(btw that malicious upper layers are the apps you love)
But all in all, its plain simple (albeit hard) maths that you probably won't use when buying a coffee, but well again, thank god for those wonderful people who gave their sweat and blood for this beauty called maths.
The thing is, internet and our devices were made by keeping efficiency in mind, not security, but once efficiency got achieved, we got plagued with shareholder greed taking over.
Web 1.0 was a read only environment meaning you can only consume information, Web 2.0 is read/write environment meaning you can interact with the information and Web 3.0 is first and foremost a secure environment.
Once Web 3.0 has been achieved, we can then move on to adopting lightning or quite possibly monero as our medium of exchange, as cash & digital bank accounts is controlled by Tyrannical governments and their institutions which degrade the value of our collective productivity.
Just to beat inflation we have to think about investments rather than focusing on what we do best - our work.
While Bitcoin can serve as a unit of account, as its optimized for verifiability not privacy or scale.
So anons, now that I have cleared this big misconception that web 3.0 is not about infecting every piece of humanity with casino shitcoins but securityyy, what you gonna do with this information?
This is the question you can only answer.
Love, Wisdom & Tech Savviness
Yours only
securitybrahh | The Sovereign Shadow
Good background refresher. Now if we could only get governments to be as secure with our data as they are with the FBI and CIA data that they disappear
Thanks for the primer. Please explain how BTC becomes the unit of account over USD?