None of this is legal or financial advice
Unless you are from a sanctioned country, the best layer of protection for your online activities is a Wyoming LLC (especially if you are not an American).
LLC is a company structure that is a pass through entity meaning the business would operate separately from you and you have to pay the taxes according to where ever you are living (no change in your tax situation).
So your business get separated (from a liability & compartmentalization perspective) and your tax situation doesn't really change
You get a layer of privacy.
Damn cool!
US State Basics
If you are a non-resident Alien (meaning you are not an American and are not living in America), the best option is the State of Wyoming (0 sales tax for digital products & privacyyyyy).
The maintenance cost per annum is maybe a dollar or 2 higher, but you ain't that cheap, and as I always say, take my money but leave my data.
Anonymity only rivals the like of cayman, and you get access to US banking.
If you are a US state resident then you may have to think for a second.
Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming has good privacy. So if you are living in either of these states, its best to register the LLC there only as it would keep things dead simple.
Delaware is good for e-commerce / Amazon / Physical Products. Wyoming has 0 digital tax. New Mexico has the lowest maintenance costs.
As this article is mostly about anonymity & not tax / biz ops / cashflow optimization, I would recommend WY LLC still. And the rest of the article would focus on that only.
You can always consult the professionals here.
If your cashflow is digital only, you don't need to register the LLC in your home state. (Which is what I am focusing on)
Non-Resident Essentials
If you are an American, you can skip this section.
US Number:
US Address:
Resident Proxy: you want to look as if you are in America, so you better get a US IP Address, rainproxy is nice, use either foxyproxy on firefox or switchyomega on brave to access sites via proxy.
Passport: If you don't have a passport in your home country, you better get it NOW.
Once you have an LLC opened (you just need some cash & passport), you should get USA Tax Id called ITIN.
You will need to file a Tax Return to IRS with a certified copy of your passport, you could do it DIY. But getting a certified (apostle’d) copy maybe a lot of hassle in your country, so I recommend just apply through an acceptance agent.
Select your country, email all of them, compare quotes and ask the lowest to get you am ITIN against your LLC.
US Visa b1/b2:
If you can go to USA even for once, you could setup bank accounts, and get a secured card.
LLC incorporation
You can technically file the articles of incorporation online by yourself but your name will become public and it doesn't really save time or money (meagre ~25$).
Just use this site and get an LLC same day by paying 150$.
We will get EIN by ourselves as it doesn't leak name & the Registered agents will get you that pretty late & cost you unnecessary dollars.
Other things to file: Fincen & BE-13
Annual Report - 162 $
5472 + 1120 - free
Registered Agent Annual Renewal - 25$
Attach articles of incorporation to form ss4 and eFax it.
After 15 days, call the number (+1 267-941-1099), and tell them to fax the EIN letter
You can call IRS when New York office opens up to save time.
Bank Accounts
If you like to create jurisdictionally diverse infra, this guide of mine is nice. ( use coupon “STACK” for 20$ off)
Some of this is invalid now because of the boi report